RPM Driving Academy

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2nd Floor, Lichfield House

29 Darnford Lane


WS14 9RW



Driving Academy




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Enhanced Driving

Awareness Training

Corporate / Fleet

Enhanced Driving Awareness Training

RPM Driving Academy offers Fleet Driver Training and Driver Assessment for Motor Cars, LGV and PCV drivers, at competitive rates.

Why Enhanced Driving Awareness Training for your company ?

In the UK road deaths are circa 1,500+ people are killed, and circa 180,000+ were injured. Over a third of these deaths and injuries involved people driving for work purposes or at work.

Work-related crashes are a major cost for company owners, in terms of death of drivers, sick leave as a result of injuries, damage and loss of vehicles and increased insurance costs. 95% of crashes are caused by human error.

Effective Enhanced Driving Awareness Training, both off-road classroom based, and on-road can help to save lives, to reduce risk of injury, and to also reduce Operating Costs for the business.

As a Company you now have legal responsibilities to your staff, managers, and directors, and to the public, to ensure their safety.

For most people, driving is the most dangerous activity undertaken whilst at work. Every week, it is estimated that 20 people are killed on UK roads in a collision that involves someone who was working at the time. Companies who use vehicles in the course of their business are required by law to ensure that the vehicles themselves are in good working order, and that the drivers use them safely.

Under the new act, it is now easier to bring about prosecutions in the event of a death. Previously, a single individual needed to be at fault to ensure a successful prosecution. The new act, now allows prosecution for gross failures in the management of Health and Safety within a company as a whole.

How RPM Driving Academy can help

Our training will be tailored to meet the needs of your Company and of employees involved with vehicle usage.

As a minimum we help organisations to become Compliant with the Corporate Manslaughter Act and Health and Safety Offences Act. We do this by assisting Managers and Directors with:

Deliver a brief Presentation to all Managers describing the current legal framework and their responsibilities

Repeat the above brief Presentation to groups of employees that drive for work in any way

Producing a Driving For Work policy to supplement your current Health and Safety policies

Assign a senior manager to take responsibility for managing Driving at Work issues

Design an on-going programme of risk assessments to cover vehicle safety, driver safety and journey planning

Design a recording facility to report all incidents and analyse this information regularly

Ensure all vehicles, company-owned and privately-owned, are regularly inspected and serviced in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines

Purchase vehicles suitable for the intended use and pay particular attention to available safety features

Ensure all employees are suitably assessed, vetted, trained, licensed and fit to drive

Produce a Driver Handbook, detailing Company policies on things like mobile phone usage and driving when tired

Ensure journey planning provides the necessary time to complete the journey with regular stops

Complying with regulations governing drivers working hours

Consider the necessity of all journeys along with car-sharing, telephone conference calls etc

Company drivers who drive more than 80% of their annual mileage on work related journeys have greater than 50% more injury accidents than drivers who do not undertake work related mileage.

Approximately 300 people are killed each year as a result of drivers falling asleep at the wheel. Approximately  4 in 10 tiredness-related accidents involve someone driving a company vehicle.

Company driver assessment and fleet driver training can reduce the risk of such collisions by as much as 70%

Every single work related road collision costs the Company money in terms of repair, increased insurance, down time for both the vehicle and employee, negative publicity and PR etc.

Our Enhanced Driving Awareness Training is set to meet the individual needs of the client. However, as a guide, we normally offer:

Licence and eyesight test

Pre-drive vehicle checks

Occupational road risk presentation

Initial driving assessment

Highway Code quiz

On-road driver training and coaching

Demonstration drive if appropriate

The training we deliver is done on a custom basis around your business operations and needs. If the candidates have a history of speeding fines, we will design a speed awareness related training session. If they have a history of collisions, we can design a course with that in mind. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

The training is delivered by trainers with practical on the job experience in industry, who have gained further qualifications and skills. They will provide practical and realistic guidance to your drivers and staff.

Reduce Operating Costs with Eco Driving

Saving money wherever possible is an important part of Company economics. With fuel prices high in the UK and tax rises more probable than tax cuts, motorists and companies are often considering adoption of more economical vehicles when, in reality, they could save even more money with a more economical driving style.

Here below are some simple but effective measures that could easily save the average motorist (doing say 10K miles annually) over £400 per annum. Fleet based savings would be significantly higher.

Anticipate traffic conditions so as to avoid harsh acceleration followed by heavy braking. If you concentrate on driving smoothly you will become safer and more economical.

Use gradients wisely. When going downhill, remain in gear but come off the accelerator early – a modern engine will shut down the fuel supply as you travel down the hill.

Change to a higher gear earlier – and certainly change gear by 2500rpm. Keep revs as low as you can provided there is no labouring the engine as this has the opposite effect.

Stick to speed limits. In addition to being illegal: Travelling at 85mph uses about 25% more fuel than 70mph.

Reduce fuel consumption by switching off the air conditioning systems, removing the unnecessary roof-rack and removing any unnecessary loads.

Keep tyre pressures correct to avoid drag. A tyre that is just 6psi under inflated can add 1% on fuel consumption.

Planning their journey to avoid traffic jams, busy periods and road-works. In fact, asking if the journey is actually necessary in the first place.

Corporate Manslaughter Act & Corporate Homicide Act 2007

The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 came into force on 6th April 2008. There are now new obligations or duties introduced by the act. Firms who do not comply with existing Health and Safety rules are now more likely to be prosecuted in the event of a death caused by negligence.